My Writing Corner
Follow me as I diagnose a client's WordPress website with a database that keeps skyrocketing its size on disk to over 17GB (about 17x) within hours.
In this first post about a contact tracking app I'm working on, I talk about the difficulty of making decisions on tech stacks and designs!
Did you think a site would get DDoSed by a bot? Nor did I until I spent hours investigating intermittent outages and corruption on a client site.
I encountered a couple of issues during my server house-keeping and wanted to document the process for others and myself
3D Printing
I purchased an Ender 3 Neo a few months ago and wanted to share my calibration steps and Cura settings that has resulted in some very good prints!
Filters are a tricky thing to get right, and I haven't found the perfect solution yet, but reusable filter classes are close and proved to work very well for rapidly building filters for models.
Front End
Front end bundle sizes can quickly spiral out of control. It's good to take a breather and re-evaluate what libraries you're pulling in. I did this recently, lets look at the process I followed.
I recently needed to work on a slot based booking system at work. This system needed to accept a few parameters and return "slots" of time where that user is available. I managed to do this in a flexible way by making use of Carbon's CarbonPeriod class and filters. Lets take a look!